Hi, I am a Maruf Ahmed Digital Marketing Expert

I am a professional digital marketer, over 7 years of experience in digital marketing with website design and development, including strong creative and analytical skills


Average Conversion Rate


Traffic Generated

Get more leads and sales business can handle with good SEO

Maruf Ahmed (DME)

Maruf Ahmed (DME)

I am a professional digital marketer, over 7 years of experience in digital marketing with website design and development, including strong creative and analytical skills

Increasing conversion with organic search engine optimization

Optimize your conversion rate from organic traffic, use Google Search Console to identify the keywords that drive the most conversions, as well as the ones that have a high click-through rate (CTR) but a low conversion rate.

Comprehensive roadmap for maximum output

Digital Audit

Digital audit is an essential process for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. It helps organizations identify areas for improvement, optimize their digital efforts, and ensure a strong online presence

Step 1

Proper Planning

Planning is an ongoing process, not a one-time task. As work through plan, may encounter new information or challenges that require adjustments. By staying organized, adaptable, and focused, increase chances of achieving goals successfully

Step 2

Great Marketing

Ultimately, great marketing revolves around delivering value to customers and building lasting relationships. It requires creativity, strategy, empathy, and a commitment to understanding and meeting the needs of audience

Step 3

Grow business today

I am a professional digital marketer, over 7 years of experience in digital marketing with website design and development, including strong creative and analytical skills

Grow business

business growth is a journey that requires dedication, resilience, and continuous learning